Sunday, April 20, 2008

Earth Day is EVERY day.

On Sunday mornings, the 'burgh can listen to "Living on Earth," a little radio show produced and hosted by the Mr. Rodgers of the airwaves, Steve Kerwin. He's got a strong, softly lilting voice, and a sensibility that seems to speak to me from my hopeful, activist time of my life, and reminds me that change is possible. I remember when we heard his message all over the place in the seventies, and now it's relegated to a back corner of public radio. ~sigh~ I need to be reminded and encouraged EVERY day that change is possible, that just beginning to make a connection to my neighbors or my city around taking care of the place in which we live. I'm thinking of getting my backyard neighbors together to do an alley clean-up! Our block could get together for a front yard clean up. Ok...what would this take?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Just a bit of activism on your part to get the ball rolling. Talk to your neighbors, offer cold drinks and plastic bags, get the neighborhood kids involved with gift certificates to McDonalds that all the neighbors could help purchase. A clean alley is the best prize!!
