Wednesday, January 23, 2008


My new personal photo is me with The Prince as he soaks up the love. "Aaaah, yes, this is where I should be all day, every day. In the arms of the one I love, dozing, dreaming, watching the world go by."

I just had to Bogart this from
It seems Liz and I have the same basic food loves & hates!

Love/ Hate Meme

I love to eat: Meat! I regularly need to 'rend flesh'!

I hate to eat: wet eggs - no runny whites, no French-style omelettes, cook those eggs, honey!

I love to go: out on my front porch at 6 in the morning, when all is quiet.

I hate to go: to bed with a headache, or to the grocery the day before a holiday.

I love it when: the morning is cool and breezy, and I have time to walk in Homewood cemetery

I hate it when: I'm in the house, deciding to do something constructive instead of watching an 'important' show because I've already got the VCR taping it....and later discover it was on the wrong channel!

I love to see: the ocean between 6 and 10am and 4 and 9pm, and then, of course, the moon rising over the ocean is the ultimate, night OR day!

I hate to see: garbage strewn all over the back yard after an animal raid in the alley

I love to hear: mourning doves, the 6pm chimes from the neighborhood church, "I love you!"

I hate to hear: the sound of a cat stomach retching loud enough to wake me in the middle of the night!

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